Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Go See This

Living Within Limits: A Collaboration With Nature is a Human Rights Education Institute (HREI) exhibit showcasing the photography of the Camera Corral's own Shawn Gust. The exhibit is a collection of images and time lapse video project that was made as a documentary. The original project was a collaboration of two artists: Rachel Dolezal and Dave Govedare. With cooperation from The Nature Conservancy, the two artists used the grounds of The Cougar Bay Preserve. The 88-acre preserve provided the perfect setting for an amazing project aimed at raising awareness of the fragile state that our planet is in. The artists would seek inspiration from the natural setting and make installations from the materials that mother nature provided, using only tools that mother nature provided, in a way that would be absorbed back into the earth with virtually no impact. With the aid of two assistants, the projects ranged from small to very large and detailed. The exhibit opened yesterday and will run through the end of April. Please check it out, and don't forget to take the 17 minutes to watch the video in the media room. It's worth every minute. There will also be DVDs of the video available for $10. If you can make it, Thursday evening at 6pm is the artists opening reception. Everyone involved with the project will be speaking about their experience and involvement with the collaboration.

© Shawn Gust

The show is being held at The Human Rights Education Center in the Northeast corner of Coeur d'Alene City Park (across from Memorial Field) in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. For more information, call HREI at 208-292-2359.